Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hospital Visit for Marc

Well, Marc tried to get to the doctors twice this last week and both times had to cancel his appt due to weather and work. Why did he need to go to the doctors you ask??? Well the beginning of last week he told me he had something growing on his hand and needed to have it looked at, well the next time I saw him, he showed it to me. He had this huge lump in the web between his thumb and index finger on his right hand...see:

and needless to say, I said yes you need to go to the doctor, he said he noticed it a month and half ago but that recently it started growing....eek!!! So Saturday before the storm was due to roll in at 6pm, we went to run errands and I told him he needed to go to at least a clinic and have it looked at, well in talking we decided if they needed to do something right then that emergency would be better, they would have everything necessary to do it vs a clinic. So off to the hospital we went at 1300. Well 4 hrs later the snow had started and we were still waiting for him to have his hand X rayed to make sure nothing was wrong with the bone, so he sent me ... Chris ... who does not know how to drive well on dry pavement, to go move the car out to the top parking area so we didn't get stuck in the lower uncovered parking area.!!! Well, I accomplished the feat without any damage to Marc's car or myself!!! YAY!!! Here is a bad pic as we left the hospital.
6pm hospital Parking lot on 12/20/08

Marc on the other hand, had some good news, some bad news on his hand. Good news, they didn't do anything at the hospital to his hand and the bones all look good. Bad news, he has to see a hand surgeon, as he most likely has a cyst that will have to be surgically removed :( . Most likely before the Rock Boat :( and most likely he will have to use his vacation to recoup :( so no Vegas for my 50th :( !!! But again good news it is only a cyst, it isn't an infection and since Cancer would grow more slowly it most likely is beign!!! So Monday, Marc will call the surgeon and make an appt to be seen and get more info.

1 comment:

The Gray Family said...

Eeek that's a big lump! Glad it didn't turn out to be too serious, but yuck on the surgery. I hope it all gets better and healed quickly.