Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hospital Visit for Marc

Well, Marc tried to get to the doctors twice this last week and both times had to cancel his appt due to weather and work. Why did he need to go to the doctors you ask??? Well the beginning of last week he told me he had something growing on his hand and needed to have it looked at, well the next time I saw him, he showed it to me. He had this huge lump in the web between his thumb and index finger on his right hand...see:

and needless to say, I said yes you need to go to the doctor, he said he noticed it a month and half ago but that recently it started growing....eek!!! So Saturday before the storm was due to roll in at 6pm, we went to run errands and I told him he needed to go to at least a clinic and have it looked at, well in talking we decided if they needed to do something right then that emergency would be better, they would have everything necessary to do it vs a clinic. So off to the hospital we went at 1300. Well 4 hrs later the snow had started and we were still waiting for him to have his hand X rayed to make sure nothing was wrong with the bone, so he sent me ... Chris ... who does not know how to drive well on dry pavement, to go move the car out to the top parking area so we didn't get stuck in the lower uncovered parking area.!!! Well, I accomplished the feat without any damage to Marc's car or myself!!! YAY!!! Here is a bad pic as we left the hospital.
6pm hospital Parking lot on 12/20/08

Marc on the other hand, had some good news, some bad news on his hand. Good news, they didn't do anything at the hospital to his hand and the bones all look good. Bad news, he has to see a hand surgeon, as he most likely has a cyst that will have to be surgically removed :( . Most likely before the Rock Boat :( and most likely he will have to use his vacation to recoup :( so no Vegas for my 50th :( !!! But again good news it is only a cyst, it isn't an infection and since Cancer would grow more slowly it most likely is beign!!! So Monday, Marc will call the surgeon and make an appt to be seen and get more info.

Snow...SNOW...and MORE SNOW!!!!

Well Seattle/Tacoma has had a major Storm come through. Last week we had about 1 to 3 inches of snow come through, but it was cold...brrrr...very cold (ok at least for us!!!) never really came up above 30 degrees though, and yes some parts of the country were well below 0, but hey we live in the NW, it's only suppose to rain here!!!

Yep it reads 4 Inches!!!

Well then on Saturday, when all the Christmas parties are suppose to be, we get a bigger storm in, where we were to get from between 3 to 8 more inches, on top of all the snow and ice pack from the last storm, this is not good in Seattle/Tacoma with hills and people that don't know how to drive in it!!! (yep that would include me!!!)
Back of my truck and that is reading just under
8 Inches....eeek!!!

So what did Marc go and do to make sure I would get to work in my back drive light truck, he went out and bought the best chains and then came and chained me up!!! Made sure my truck was filled with gas so that I didn't run out, to go one mile to work, cause that is all I would drive in this kind of conditions!!!

Are these not the coolest Chains Gosh my Man Loves me!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Econmonic Layoffs SUCK!!!! my resolution to blog everyday something went down the hill!!! But things have been hectic, trying and not suceeding getting ready for the holidays. Lots have happen, and while I don't want this post to be a downer, this is what is happening.
Our Company, (that Marc and I work for) has done a major economical layoff, and while I didn't get cut, my hours have changed and I know work a swing and Marc is still working on the extra board and goes in the early mornings. So at best, we see each other a few minutes each day while he gets ready to go to work, and I really should be sleeping, during the week. The other thing about my job is that I am now the biller, and a biller I am not!!! And my new boss is riding me to get my speed up. Mind you I had 2 months of training a year ago, while cross training, and then 1 week before he pulled me into the office and said I had to be to 40 bills an hour by January 1st or written up which is a start to be fired, he also said that meeting was a verbal warning, which mean, that is also the start of being fired, so, who knows what the New Year will mean for me, hopefully I will still have a job. I will say the last three nights I did 40 bills an hour, but we were not very busy due to the huge storm we had this past week, snow everywhere!!! So I will close this post with please pray for me, to keep my job!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

More of the ABC Book

Here are a few more of Maddy's ABC Book. These all have to do with people with her:

Daddy & You
I just love these pics of Jeremy and Maddy!!! I took them when my parents were here this past summer one day when we took her to the park...actually it was the day my parents met Maddy (their Great Granddaughter) for the first time!!!
CREDITS: Adventurous Spirit by Amy Leigh's Designs / Alpha from the 2007 April "Advant Garden" Guild Membership Kit by the Guild designers / Cardboard Alpha by Birgit Kerr / Alphabead by Jofia Designs


Are these three little ones just not the cutest!!! The picture was just perfect for this sketch by Amy Head over at the Guild...Maddy is the center girl with two of her friends over July 4th.

CREDITS: Struck Page Kit by Christine Haskell / Oh My Stars Alpha by Christine Haskell / Avant Garden Alpha by the Guild Designers part of the Encore Set: 0407 Membership Kit

Grammie & You

This picture of Maddy and me was taken at her 2nd birthday party and my DIH, Brooke had to bribe her with candy for her to take pictures with me...oh well, what I won't do for a pic of her!!!

Just So Mini Kit by Irene Alexeeva at Scrap Orchard

Sunday, December 7, 2008

My New Look!!!

Thanks to Pixel Geek Designs aka Mel/littleginsu at Scrap Orchard for the cool Build-a-Blog: Reindeer Games Blogger Theme, & Amber Gray for helping me tweak my blog a bit (you know the blonde thing with me), I now have a bright, cheery, festive look!!! Thank you ladies!!! I also went and got Ziggle Designs "Reindeer Games" kit at Scrap Orchard and made a new avatar to go with the festive look!!!


CREDITS: Reindeer Games by Ziggle Designs / Holly Jolly Christmas Alpha by Polka Dot Plum / picture by Marc last year :D

Let us all, this Christmas Season, remember the True Reason for the Season, the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ!!! May you and yours be wrapped with warmth in His Love!!!

Merry, Brightest Christmas!!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Time to Update!!!

I am going to sooo hard try to update and get all my LO's caught up here :D
I mentioned last night that I have started an ABC Book for Maddy, so I think I will post a few of those LO's here:
A is for "Adorable You"
CREDITS: Such a Girl by Veronica HurlyLavendar Dreams Overlays by Rene Bross' Candy Cane Lane by Rene Bross'Keep 'em in Stitches 1 by Lisa Carter

B is for "beary Busy You"
CREDITS: July '08 "Summertime" GDS collab kitTemplate 001 by Muma Bear Designs (aka Muma)

C is for "Chatty little You"

CREDITS: Shabby Girl Page Kit by Christy Skaggs Shabby Girl AOP by Christy Shabby Girl Alpha by Christy Skaggs Brilliant Blossoms by Amy Leigh Fennell Avant Garden Alpha from the Guild '07 Membership Kit at the Guild

E is for "Enjoyable You"

CREDITS: Coconut Tree by Amanda Heimann Designs from the Scrap Orchard

Now you are probably asking...gosh does Chris know her ABC's...Well of course I do...I will be posting somemore, but I will most likely skip around :D Keep you on your toes!!!

WOW...That was a long time!!!

WOW...has it really been over a month since I have posted anything...and soooo much has happened!!! Well I am still on the Guild CT, and Beth Nixon is now opened at a new store, and she asked me to be one her CT... WOW, what an honor!!! And then I also tried out for a spot as a Guest on the Scrap Orchard CT and I made it...How exciting is that!!! Well, the Guest spot was to be a month and they just asked all of us to sign new agreements for 3 months...YAY!!! So, I am now CT'ing for some Fab~tabulous Designers!!! And all the ladies on these CT's are just awesome and sooo welcoming!!! Exciting in the world of digi for me!!! Now if I could just get published!!! Really gotta start working harder towards that!!!
Here are a few of my most recent LO's...

December Guild Membership Kit
Debb Cozzi put this one on the DST Gallery Standouts...boy was I shocked!!!
isn't this kit just georgeous...I just love all the colors and the elements in this kit!!!
Beth Nixon's ~ A Sweet Love
I just love all the fun elements in this kit and it just flowed together of this darling picture of Maddy. I did
end up tweaking this LO to have a different title for her ABC book I am working on...for Joyful You!!! And this
one will go into Maddy's regular scrapbook I am doing for two for one :D

Scrap Orchard

Gosh where do I start, I will show you my Contest LO's first :D

The first kit we were given to work with was Scrap Orchards June Mega Kit "June Bugs", what a fun kit to work with...all the cute little lady bugs and flowers...I just really wanted to do something with Maddy interacting with the I chose to work with out of bounds, which I do enjoy doing!!! I was quite pleased with this one!!! These were some pics I took of her at the park when Jeremy was playing ball!!!

We had to do two LO's with the kit so I chose to do one with Maddy and her little friend, Claire. The were exploring in the rocks outside the house, I thought the pic was perfect. I really liked how the title came out on this!!! Such a Fun kit to use!!! Well these two LO's got me on to the next round...YAY!!!In the 2nd Round we were assigned a Designer, and I was lucky to get the talent team that makes up Polka Dot Plum aka Lauren and Amy!!! I just loved the colors of this kit Que Sera Sera, and what better subject to scrap but my DGD Maddy again!!! I took this picture of her when we went out to the pumkin patch back in October, it was just one of the many many pictures I took of her that day, she is just growing up way too fast...she really is loosing that baby look and taking on that big girl look!!! She always brings a smile to my face and my heart!!!
This round we were again asked to use the same kit and make two LO's, and of course I chose my favorite subject Maddy, this time with her "Best Bud" Jaxon. Isn't this just the sweetest picture, but Maddy Girl watch out he is a quite the "boy" he sure likes to hug you!!! Well these two LO's got me my spot as Guest CT, which has now worked into being on their CT for 3 months!!! So Lots more LO's to come...I will start blogging every LO I do as it will be on my CT list to post to!!!
I am just sooo excited and thrilled to be part of these teams I am on...they keep me very busy, with wonderful product!!! So HUGE Thank You's to The Guild, Beth Nixon and the ladies at the Scrap Orchard for making this possible for me :D I truly do appreciated it and am thrilled to be using your products!!!!