Friday, December 19, 2008

Econmonic Layoffs SUCK!!!! my resolution to blog everyday something went down the hill!!! But things have been hectic, trying and not suceeding getting ready for the holidays. Lots have happen, and while I don't want this post to be a downer, this is what is happening.
Our Company, (that Marc and I work for) has done a major economical layoff, and while I didn't get cut, my hours have changed and I know work a swing and Marc is still working on the extra board and goes in the early mornings. So at best, we see each other a few minutes each day while he gets ready to go to work, and I really should be sleeping, during the week. The other thing about my job is that I am now the biller, and a biller I am not!!! And my new boss is riding me to get my speed up. Mind you I had 2 months of training a year ago, while cross training, and then 1 week before he pulled me into the office and said I had to be to 40 bills an hour by January 1st or written up which is a start to be fired, he also said that meeting was a verbal warning, which mean, that is also the start of being fired, so, who knows what the New Year will mean for me, hopefully I will still have a job. I will say the last three nights I did 40 bills an hour, but we were not very busy due to the huge storm we had this past week, snow everywhere!!! So I will close this post with please pray for me, to keep my job!!!


Beth said...

I'm so sorry Chris.
Worries like that are the worst. And especially just days before the holiday.
My thoughts are with you.

The Gray Family said...

I'ms o sorry - this really stinks. I hope things improve for you - you are such a hard worker and such a great person you deserve nothing but the best!