Monday, September 8, 2008

Don't Believe Everything your Teacher tells you...

Ok...Maggie aka Sandersmr, at the Guild, challenged us to write about a school grade you realize Maggie just how long ago that was for me...but low a behold I can remember my first day of kindergarden. My Mom had just started working when I entered school, so my sister Kathy who is 4 years older than me (her birthday is actually today too, Happy Birthday Sis!!!) she took me to school on my first day, I was still 4 years old as my birthday falls in the month of September. Well anyways, my sis had to go to class so she was gonna leave me to get to class and I started crying and my teacher Mrs. Macaroy (we called her Macaroni later on in my elementary I can't believe I remembered her name, let alone that!!!) well anyways Mrs Macaroy told me that if I didn't stop crying she was gonna take me to see Mr Davis the Principal. From that day on until I entered High School, I though all Principals were Mr Davis, (yep no lie until I entered high school. ) You see Mr Davis went to the Junior High School the year I started Jr High too. So the lesson to learn is "Don't Believe Everything your Teacher tells you" it can scar you for years!!!
Go check out Maggie's challenger here:

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